How to configure the automatic interaction on Instagram

This article will help you find the interaction and segmentation tools. You will also know about the other options within this section of the platform.

Written by ARFALast update 4 years ago


Here is where you can configure your Instagram accounts, defining the actions they will perform according to your segmentation (what kind of people should your acc interact with), among many other things.

To configure your account, click on “Settings” (it is necessary to have an account registered on the “Accounts” section to visualize your profile here).

From the “Activity” tab you will be able to configure the actions your account will perform: your target segments, as well as the comments and direct messages you will send to other users.

It is very easy to configure your account. You only need to follow the grey circles “( ? )”. These will display information on what each function does, and recommendations for it. Start from the top down to fully configure your profile (we will not delve into it here, since you will find all of the necessary instructions on Social Media Plus). When you're finished, click on the "Start" button, just below the blue watch. If you do not do so, your account will never start performing the set activities.

On the “Auto-Stop” option (bottom of the list), we recommend to place 3 hours on the field “Stop if there’s no activity”.

Also, you can decide on what schedule you want actions to be performed. For that, click on the calendar icon to the right of the Start/Stop button.

On the “Log” tab you can see all of the actions performed by your account.

On the “Stats” tab you can see the amount of actions performed by your account, as well as the amount of followers acquired through those actions.

On the “Profile” tab you can see your profile and posts (and eliminate any, if you want, by clicking on the “Trash” icon).

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